Click here to download the full example code
Tutorial 4: Creating a dataset class#
# Authors: Pedro L. C. Rodrigues, Sylvain Chevallier
import mne
import numpy as np
from pyriemann.classification import MDM
from pyriemann.estimation import Covariances
from import loadmat, savemat
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from moabb.datasets import download as dl
from moabb.datasets.base import BaseDataset
from moabb.evaluations import WithinSessionEvaluation
from moabb.paradigms import LeftRightImagery
Creating some Data#
To illustrate the creation of a dataset class in MOABB, we first create an example dataset saved in .mat file. It contains a single fake recording on 8 channels lasting for 150 seconds (sampling frequency 256 Hz). We have included the script that creates this dataset and have uploaded it online. The fake dataset is available on the Zenodo website
def create_example_dataset():
"""Create a fake example for a dataset."""
sfreq = 256
t_recording = 150
t_trial = 1 # duration of a trial
intertrial = 2 # time between end of a trial and the next one
n_chan = 8
x = np.zeros((n_chan + 1, t_recording * sfreq)) # electrodes + stimulus
stim = np.zeros(t_recording * sfreq)
t_offset = 1.0 # offset where the trials start
n_trials = 40
rep = np.linspace(0, 4 * t_trial, t_trial * sfreq)
signal = np.sin(2 * np.pi / t_trial * rep)
for n in range(n_trials):
label = n % 2 + 1 # alternate between class 0 and class 1
tn = int(t_offset * sfreq + n * (t_trial + intertrial) * sfreq)
stim[tn] = label
noise = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_chan, len(signal))
x[:-1, tn : (tn + t_trial * sfreq)] = label * signal + noise
x[-1, :] = stim
return x, sfreq
# Create the fake data
for subject in [1, 2, 3]:
x, fs = create_example_dataset()
filename = "subject_" + str(subject).zfill(2) + ".mat"
mdict = {}
mdict["x"] = x
mdict["fs"] = fs
savemat(filename, mdict)
Creating a Dataset Class#
We will create now a dataset class using the fake data simulated with the code from above. For this, we first need to import the right classes from MOABB:
is a very useful script that downloads automatically a dataset online if it is not yet available in the user’s computer. The script knows where to download the files because we create a global variable telling the URL where to fetch the data.BaseDataset
is the basic class that we overload to create our dataset.
The global variable with the dataset’s URL should specify an online repository where all the files are stored.
ExampleDataset_URL = ""
The ExampleDataset
needs to implement only 3 functions:
for indicating the parameter of the dataset_get_single_subject_data
to define how to process the data once they have been downloadeddata_path
to define how the data are downloaded.
class ExampleDataset(BaseDataset):
"""Dataset used to exemplify the creation of a dataset class in MOABB.
The data samples have been simulated and has no physiological
meaning whatsoever.
def __init__(self):
subjects=[1, 2, 3],
events={"left_hand": 1, "right_hand": 2},
interval=[0, 0.75],
def _get_single_subject_data(self, subject):
"""Return data for a single subject."""
file_path_list = self.data_path(subject)
data = loadmat(file_path_list[0])
x = data["x"]
fs = data["fs"]
ch_names = ["ch" + str(i) for i in range(8)] + ["stim"]
ch_types = ["eeg" for i in range(8)] + ["stim"]
info = mne.create_info(ch_names, fs, ch_types)
raw =, info)
sessions = {}
sessions["0"] = {}
sessions["0"]["0"] = raw
return sessions
def data_path(
self, subject, path=None, force_update=False, update_path=None, verbose=None
"""Download the data from one subject."""
if subject not in self.subject_list:
raise (ValueError("Invalid subject number"))
url = "{:s}subject_0{:d}.mat".format(ExampleDataset_URL, subject)
path = dl.data_dl(url, "ExampleDataset")
return [path] # it has to return a list
Using the ExampleDataset#
Now that the ExampleDataset is defined, it could be instantiated directly. The rest of the code follows the steps described in the previous tutorials.
dataset = ExampleDataset()
paradigm = LeftRightImagery()
X, labels, meta = paradigm.get_data(dataset=dataset, subjects=[1])
evaluation = WithinSessionEvaluation(
paradigm=paradigm, datasets=dataset, overwrite=False, suffix="newdataset"
pipelines = {}
pipelines["MDM"] = make_pipeline(Covariances("oas"), MDM(metric="riemann"))
scores = evaluation.process(pipelines)
Pushing on MOABB Github#
If you want to make your dataset available to everyone, you could upload your data on public server (like Zenodo or Figshare) and signal that you want to add your dataset to MOABB in the dedicated issue. # noqa: E501 You could then follow the instructions on how to contribute # noqa: E501
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 0 MB