
moabb.benchmark(pipelines='./pipelines/', evaluations=None, paradigms=None, results='./results/', overwrite=False, output='./benchmark/', n_jobs=-1, plot=False, contexts=None, include_datasets=None, exclude_datasets=None, n_splits=None, cache_config=None, optuna=False)[source]#

Run benchmarks for selected pipelines and datasets.

Load from saved pipeline configurations to determine associated paradigms. It is possible to include or exclude specific datasets and to choose the type of evaluation.

If particular paradigms are mentioned through select_paradigms, only the pipelines corresponding to those paradigms will be run. If no paradigms are mentioned, all pipelines will be run.

To define the include_datasets or exclude_dataset, you could start from the full dataset list, using for example the following code: > # Choose your paradigm > p = moabb.paradigms.SSVEP() > # Get the class names > print(p.datasets) > # Get the dataset code > print([d.code for d in p.datasets])

  • pipelines (str) – Folder containing the pipelines to evaluate or path to a single pipeline file.

  • evaluations (list of str) – If to restrict the types of evaluations to be run. By default, all 3 base types are run Can be a list of these elements [“WithinSession”, “CrossSession”, “CrossSubject”]

  • paradigms (list of str) – To restrict the paradigms on which evaluations should be run. Can be a list of these elements [‘LeftRightImagery’, ‘MotorImagery’, ‘FilterBankSSVEP’, ‘SSVEP’, ‘FilterBankMotorImagery’]

  • results (str) – Folder to store the results

  • overwrite (bool) – Force evaluation of cached pipelines

  • output (str) – Folder to store the analysis results

  • n_jobs (int) – Number of threads to use for running parallel jobs

  • n_splits (int or None, default=None) – This parameter only works for CrossSubjectEvaluation. It defines the number of splits to be done in the cross-validation. If None, the number of splits is equal to the number of subjects in the dataset.

  • plot (bool) – Plot results after computing

  • contexts (str) – File path to context.yml file that describes context parameters. If none, assumes all defaults. Must contain an entry for all paradigms described in the pipelines.

  • include_datasets (list of str or Dataset object) – Datasets (dataset.code or object) to include in the benchmark run. By default, all suitable datasets are included. If both include_datasets and exclude_datasets are specified, raise an error.

  • exclude_datasets (list of str or Dataset object) – Datasets to exclude from the benchmark run

  • optuna (Enable Optuna for the hyperparameter search) –


eval_results – Results of benchmark for all considered paradigms

Return type



New in version 1.1.1: Includes the possibility to use Optuna for hyperparameter search.

New in version 0.5.0: Create the function to run the benchmark

Examples using moabb.benchmark#

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint
Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.

Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.

Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.
Benchmarking on MOABB with Tensorflow deep net architectures

Benchmarking on MOABB with Tensorflow deep net architectures

Benchmarking on MOABB with Tensorflow deep net architectures
Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search

Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search

Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search