Go to the end to download the full example code.
Cueing Group Analysis
# Standard pythonic importa
import os,sys,glob,numpy as np,pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
# MNE functions
from mne import Epochs, find_events, concatenate_raws
from mne.time_frequency import tfr_morlet
# EEG-Notebooks functions
from eegnb.datasets import datasets
from eegnb.analysis.analysis_utils import load_data
Download the data
eegnb_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/'),'.eegnb', 'data')
cueing_data_path = os.path.join(eegnb_data_path, 'visual-cueing', 'kylemathlab_dev')
# If dataset hasn't been downloaded yet, download it
if not os.path.isdir(cueing_data_path):
datasets.fetch_dataset(data_dir=eegnb_data_path, experiment='visual-cueing', site='kylemathlab_dev')
Load data into MNE objects
# MNE is a very powerful Python library for analyzing EEG data. It provides helpful functions for performing key tasks such as filtering EEG data, rejecting artifacts, and grouping EEG data into chunks (epochs).
# The first step after loading dependencies is use MNE to read the data we've collected into an MNE Raw object
subs = [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211,
301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309]
diff_out = []
Ipsi_out = []
Contra_out = []
Ipsi_spectra_out = []
Contra_spectra_out = []
diff_spectra_out = []
ERSP_diff_out = []
ERSP_Ipsi_out = []
ERSP_Contra_out = []
frequencies = np.linspace(6, 30, 100, endpoint=True)
wave_cycles = 6
# time frequency window for analysis
f_low = 7 # Hz
f_high = 10
f_diff = f_high-f_low
t_low = 0 # s
t_high = 1
t_diff = t_high-t_low
bad_subs= [6, 7, 13, 26]
really_bad_subs = [11, 12, 19]
sub_count = 0
for sub in subs:
sub_count += 1
if (sub_count in really_bad_subs):
rej_thresh_uV = 90
elif (sub_count in bad_subs):
rej_thresh_uV = 90
rej_thresh_uV = 90
rej_thresh = rej_thresh_uV*1e-6
# Load both sessions
raw = load_data(sub,1, # subject, session
data_dir = eegnb_data_path)
load_data(sub,2, # subject, session
experiment='visual-cueing', site='kylemathlab_dev', device_name='muse2016',
data_dir = eegnb_data_path))
# Filter Raw Data
raw.filter(1,30, method='iir')
#Select Events
events = find_events(raw)
event_id = {'LeftCue': 1, 'RightCue': 2}
epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=event_id,
tmin=-1, tmax=2, baseline=(-1, 0),
reject={'eeg':rej_thresh}, preload=True,
verbose=False, picks=[0, 3])
print('Trials Remaining: ' + str(len( + '.')
# Compute morlet wavelet
# Left Cue
tfr, itc = tfr_morlet(epochs['LeftCue'], freqs=frequencies,
n_cycles=wave_cycles, return_itc=True)
tfr = tfr.apply_baseline((-1,-.5),mode='mean')
#tfr.plot(picks=[0], mode='logratio',
# title='TP9 - Ipsi');
#tfr.plot(picks=[3], mode='logratio',
# title='TP10 - Contra');
power_Ipsi_TP9 =[0,:,:]
power_Contra_TP10 =[1,:,:]
# Right Cue
tfr, itc = tfr_morlet(epochs['RightCue'], freqs=frequencies,
n_cycles=wave_cycles, return_itc=True)
tfr = tfr.apply_baseline((-1,-.5),mode='mean')
#tfr.plot(picks=[0], mode='logratio',
# title='TP9 - Contra');
#tfr.plot(picks=[3], mode='logratio',
# title='TP10 - Ipsi');
power_Contra_TP9 =[0,:,:]
power_Ipsi_TP10 =[1,:,:]
# Plot Differences
#%matplotlib inline
times = epochs.times
power_Avg_Ipsi = (power_Ipsi_TP9+power_Ipsi_TP10)/2;
power_Avg_Contra = (power_Contra_TP9+power_Contra_TP10)/2;
power_Avg_Diff = power_Avg_Ipsi-power_Avg_Contra;
#find max to make color range
plot_max = np.max([np.max(np.abs(power_Avg_Ipsi)), np.max(np.abs(power_Avg_Contra))])
plot_diff_max = np.max(np.abs(power_Avg_Diff))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
im = plt.imshow(power_Avg_Ipsi,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1]],
aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-plot_max, vmax=plot_max)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Power Average Ipsilateral to Cue')
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle((t_low,f_low),t_diff,f_diff,linewidth=1,edgecolor='k',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
im = plt.imshow(power_Avg_Contra,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1]],
aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-plot_max, vmax=plot_max)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title(str(sub) + ' - Power Average Contra to Cue')
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle((t_low,f_low),t_diff,f_diff,linewidth=1,edgecolor='k',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
#difference between conditions
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
im = plt.imshow(power_Avg_Diff,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1]],
aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-plot_diff_max, vmax=plot_diff_max)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Power Difference Ipsi-Contra')
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
cb.set_label('Ipsi-Contra Power')
# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle((t_low,f_low),t_diff,f_diff,linewidth=1,edgecolor='k',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
#output data into array
np.argmax(times>t_low):np.argmax(times>t_high)-1 ]
np.argmax(times>t_high)-1 ],1
np.argmax(times>t_low):np.argmax(times>t_high)-1 ]
np.argmax(times>t_high)-1 ],1))
np.argmax(times>t_low):np.argmax(times>t_high)-1 ]
np.argmax(times>t_high)-1 ],1
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
122 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 10.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
92 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 40.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
160 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 58.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 3 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
272 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 39.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
111 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 21.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
201 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 2.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
130 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 0.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
160 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 5.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
107 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 28.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
223 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 32.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
86 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 0.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
156 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 61.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
120 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 4.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
183 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 49.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
194 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 87.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
181 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 70.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
181 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 70.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
118 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 5.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
170 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 67.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
96 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 9.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=30564
Range : 0 ... 30563 = 0.000 ... 119.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=30564
Range : 0 ... 30563 = 0.000 ... 119.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
54 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 26.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 3 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
213 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 11.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
198 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 8.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61284
Range : 0 ... 61283 = 0.000 ... 239.387 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
195 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 24.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
166 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 9.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
147 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 1.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
171 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 49.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61296
Range : 0 ... 61295 = 0.000 ... 239.434 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
180 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 71.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Loading these files:
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
['TP9', 'AF7', 'AF8', 'TP10', 'Right AUX', 'stim']
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=6, n_times=61308
Range : 0 ... 61307 = 0.000 ... 239.480 secs
Filtering raw data in 2 contiguous segments
Setting up band-pass filter from 1 - 30 Hz
IIR filter parameters
Butterworth bandpass zero-phase (two-pass forward and reverse) non-causal filter:
- Filter order 16 (effective, after forward-backward)
- Cutoffs at 1.00, 30.00 Hz: -6.02, -6.02 dB
196 events found on stim channel stim
Event IDs: [ 1 2 11 12 21 22]
Trials Remaining: 74.
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
(29, 100, 769)
(29, 100)
[-1.8633016529356232e-10, -5.194492698041424e-11, 3.965717366845577e-11, -9.439937924298538e-11, 1.5395426956926177e-10, nan, nan, 1.437520530470476e-10, 6.156413801290107e-12, -3.4542289627374594e-11, nan, 1.404002269024156e-10, 4.5250575579728836e-11, 8.13341442171729e-11, 1.7562617842729167e-12, 3.498985471214225e-11, -7.358448888412755e-11, -2.066739867471836e-11, 5.833832231476192e-11, -1.1353507280272121e-10, 2.0578545669354385e-10, 8.13612907825663e-11, 2.231124565129559e-09, 4.417204016507064e-13, 1.5824220701839133e-10, nan, 2.972694444208325e-11, -2.7053453190038292e-11, 1.0032262566342049e-10]
Combine subjects
GrandAvg_diff = np.nanmean(ERSP_diff_out,0)
GrandAvg_Ipsi = np.nanmean(ERSP_Ipsi_out,0)
GrandAvg_Contra = np.nanmean(ERSP_Contra_out,0)
GrandAvg_spec_Ipsi = np.nanmean(Ipsi_spectra_out,0)
GrandAvg_spec_Contra = np.nanmean(Contra_spectra_out,0)
GrandAvg_spec_diff = np.nanmean(diff_spectra_out,0)
num_good = len(diff_out) - sum(np.isnan(diff_out))
GrandAvg_spec_Ipsi_ste = np.nanstd(Ipsi_spectra_out,0)/np.sqrt(num_good)
GrandAvg_spec_Contra_ste = np.nanstd(Contra_spectra_out,0)/np.sqrt(num_good)
GrandAvg_spec_diff_ste = np.nanstd(diff_spectra_out,0)/np.sqrt(num_good)
#Spectra error bars
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Power (uV^2)')
#Spectra Diff error bars
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Power (uV^2)')
#Grand Average Ipsi
plot_max = np.max([np.max(np.abs(GrandAvg_Ipsi)), np.max(np.abs(GrandAvg_Contra))])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
im = plt.imshow(GrandAvg_Ipsi,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1]],
aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-plot_max, vmax=plot_max)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Power Ipsi')
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle((t_low,f_low),t_diff,f_diff,linewidth=1,edgecolor='k',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
#Grand Average Contra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
im = plt.imshow(GrandAvg_Contra,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1]],
aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-plot_max, vmax=plot_max)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Power Contra')
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle((t_low,f_low),t_diff,f_diff,linewidth=1,edgecolor='k',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
#Grand Average Ipsi-Contra Difference
plot_max_diff = np.max(np.abs(GrandAvg_diff))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
im = plt.imshow(GrandAvg_diff,
extent=[times[0], times[-1], frequencies[0], frequencies[-1]],
aspect='auto', origin='lower', cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-plot_max_diff, vmax=plot_max_diff)
plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('Power Difference Ipsi-Contra')
cb = fig.colorbar(im)
cb.set_label('Ipsi-Contra Power')
# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle((t_low,f_low),t_diff,f_diff,linewidth=1,edgecolor='k',facecolor='none')
# Add the patch to the Axes
<matplotlib.patches.Rectangle object at 0x7fb954856d30>
Compute t test
import scipy
num_good = len(diff_out) - sum(np.isnan(diff_out))
[tstat, pval] = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(diff_out,np.zeros(len(diff_out)),nan_policy='omit')
print('Ipsi Mean: '+ str(np.nanmean(Ipsi_out)))
print('Contra Mean: '+ str(np.nanmean(Contra_out)))
print('Mean Diff: '+ str(np.nanmean(diff_out)))
print('t(' + str(num_good-1) + ') = ' + str(round(tstat,3)))
print('p = ' + str(round(pval,3)))
Ipsi Mean: 9.02456136295644e-11
Contra Mean: -2.617586361170848e-11
Mean Diff: 1.164214772412729e-10
t(24) = 1.394
p = 0.169
Save average powers ipsi and contra
import pandas as pd
raw_data = {'Ipsi Power': Ipsi_out,
'Contra Power': Contra_out}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['Ipsi Power', 'Contra Power'])
print('Saved subject averages for each condition to 375CueingEEG.csv file in present directory')
[-1.8633016529356232e-10, -5.194492698041424e-11, 3.965717366845577e-11, -9.439937924298538e-11, 1.5395426956926177e-10, nan, nan, 1.437520530470476e-10, 6.156413801290107e-12, -3.4542289627374594e-11, nan, 1.404002269024156e-10, 4.5250575579728836e-11, 8.13341442171729e-11, 1.7562617842729167e-12, 3.498985471214225e-11, -7.358448888412755e-11, -2.066739867471836e-11, 5.833832231476192e-11, -1.1353507280272121e-10, 2.0578545669354385e-10, 8.13612907825663e-11, 2.231124565129559e-09, 4.417204016507064e-13, 1.5824220701839133e-10, nan, 2.972694444208325e-11, -2.7053453190038292e-11, 1.0032262566342049e-10]
Saved subject averages for each condition to 375CueingEEG.csv file in present directory
Save spectra
df = pd.DataFrame(Ipsi_spectra_out,columns=frequencies)
df = pd.DataFrame(Contra_spectra_out,columns=frequencies)
print('Saved Spectra to 375Cueing*Spec.csv file in present directory')
Saved Spectra to 375Cueing*Spec.csv file in present directory
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 30.621 seconds)