Getting Started

How can I get started?

An easy project for one person might be difficult for someone else. Therefore we have broken down the projects as to either requiring no programming experience (plug and play) or requiring some experience. You will notice that with certain EEG headsets that there is more tutorials than others. This is likely due to the ease of development when using that device.

The best way to get started will also depend on the headset that you have available.

The Muse headband is a easy to use EEG device with electrodes placed on Af7 and Af8 location if you are following 10-20 International Standards.

It is one of the easier bands to get started with if you are interested in learning eeg as it requires no head prep. Here are some simple projects you can get started with.


No Programming Experience

These tools can be used to visualizae your brain data:

Some Programming Experience

These are open source projects which require some programming experience in order to implement them.

The OpenBCI is an open source EEG that gives its user the opportunity to have maximum of 16 channels. Here are a variety of projects you can do.


No Programming Experience

  • If you are not comfortable with EEGs or coding, we suggest taking a look at their Getting Started Guide. It includes a link to their Visualizer software

  • This guide uses OpenVibe which is a dataflow programming system and is used for Brain Computer Interfaces. One of the NeuroTechX Community Members built a P300 Speller using OpenBCI and OpenVibe

Some Programming Experience

The Emotiv Epoc is a 14 channel EEG which has a static form factor. This board is a good option for easy development and it only requires software experience. The major downside fo the Epoc is the cost and the fact that they charge you to get access to raw data.

Emotiv Epoc

No Programming Experience

Some Programming Experience

The Neurosky is one of the original consumer EEGs on the market. It is a 1 channel device and is only meant for simple use cases. Although some people have apparently built more complicated products with them.

Mindwave headset

No Programming Experience

Some Programming Experience

  • NeuroSky has put together their own list of projects you can do with their devices

If you don't have a headset available, there are still some stuff you could do with Brain data. Check out some of these links.

  • Want to contribute to open Neuroscience in a gamified way? Check out Eyewire
  • You can also take a look at a buttload of MRI data using Brainbox