What is the NTCS?

The NeuroTech Challenge Series is a citizen (neuro)science initiative for all skill levels.

The NTCS is a series of research studies and data analysis competitions focused on making mobile EEG neurotechnology better and more accessible for researchers, clinicians, teachers, students, and hobbyist-enthusiasts. It is organized by a consortium of scientists and industry professionals from OpenBCI, NeuroTechX, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), and the University of Toronto.

Each challenge in the series shall offer participants the chance to win exciting prizes, and gain experience with the hardware and software tools of cognitive neuroscience. All analysis tools created and (de-identified) EEG data collected as part of NTCS activities shall be made open-access and available to the public.

NTCS Phase 1 – Mobile EEG Data Collection

The inaugural challenge, NTCS-Phase 1, shall be a study lead by the CAMH/UofT research team. In this ‘citizen science’ study, participants will be given the opportunity to be both subject and experimenter – collecting their own brain data from classic EEG experiments using the EEG-Notebooks software library, and contributing to a large-scale open-access dataset building initiative.

More info on how to participate will be added here soon!


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